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IHSN Toolkit training in Burundi (Bujumbura, April 20-30, 2009)
The Institut National de Statistiques et d'Etudes Economiques du Burundi (ISTEEBU) undertook a Toolkit Training. The training documented six surveys.
Harmonization of statistics on water and sanitation in Nigeria (Mina, March 29-April 2, 2009)
The ADP is now piloting its Task 2. This task envisions the analysis and assessment of existing data by specialized national and international researchers. The analysis focuses on sector development strategies with an objective to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the data.
ADP - IHSN Toolkit training held in Beirut, Lebanon
A Toolkit training was held from Feb. 2-14 in Beirut Lebanon. The training was attended by representative from the Central Agency of Statistics (CAS) and a group of Afghan representatives who were documenting a Household Budget Survey (NRVA 2007). The training was hosted at the new training center, Basil Fuleihin Institute by the Institute of Finance. In addition, the training center was attended by representatives from the World Bank and was co-facilitated with assistance from the UK Department for International Development.
Colombia National Statistical Office makes more survey microdata available ! (July 2012)
The NSO of Colombia (DANE) published in June 2012 more than 80 statistical projects using the ddi standard on its NADA catalog:
In addition, the National Department of Planning of Colombia (DNP) joined the ADP Initiative as a key element of their recently adopted open data policy. An introductory workshop will be held in July 2012.