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NISR Rwanda launches Survey and Census Documentation and Dissemination (23-27 January 2012)
The National Institute of Statistics Rwanda(NISR) with the support of the Accelerated Data Program facilitated a successful national training workshop on the documentation and dissemination of survey and census microdata.
The NISR Director of the Statistical Methods, Research and Publication unit, opened the workshop and reiterated the need for organisations in the National Statistical System to work together so as to enhance the dissemination of statistics in Rwanda.
Nigeria Health Sector sees ADP and Measure Evaluation team up on microdata management (December 2011) !
The Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) and USAID funded Measure and Evaluation are undertaking a data inventory and documentation project of microdata found in the health sector. The FMoH is among one of the big data producers in the Nigerian Federal Government. This project foresees documenting over 70 surveys. The ADP through its program of assistance with the National Bureau of Statistics is collaborating with the project and undertook the first Microdata Management Toolkit Trainin in Abuja from Nov. 20-Dec. 4.
Documentation and archiving of surveys and censuses starts in Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek, 12 – 16 December 2011)
The Kyrgyz National Statistical Commission (NSC) started documenting and archiving five (5) surveys and two (2) censuses during the IHSN Microdata Management Training and DDI Production Workshop conducted for sixteen (16) NSC staff on 12-16 December 2011 in Bishkek. The workshop was conducted in partnership with the World Bank Poverty Team.
Version 2.5 of the DDI Codebook approved (21 November 2011)
The DDI alliance ( has launched the latest version of the Codebook: version 2.5. The IHSN was instrumental in this upgrade and the relevant IHSN tools will take full benefit of this version.
More information on the DDI Alliance website and on:
Regional training workshop on population and housing census documentation and archiving scheduled in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 12-16 December 2011!
The PARIS21 Secretariat and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) are organizing a training workshop on the use of the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit. This workshop is conducted in the context of the joint OECD/PARIS21 – World Bank Accelerated Data Program (ADP, This workshop which will take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 12th to 16th December 2011. It is a practical follow-up of the "Regional Seminar on Census Data Archiving for Africa" organized jointly by UNSD and ECA on 20-23 September 2011.